2005-2015 “Decade of struggle against impunity"
AU- 012-2007 OAX-PDPR
URGENT ACTION: Arrest / disappearance of three members of the People’s Revolutionary Democratic Party, PDPR, in Oaxaca.
Mexico City, June 3, 2007
Lic. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, Presidente de la República
Lic. Francisco Ramírez Acuña, Secretario de Gobernación
Lic. Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza, Procurador General de la República
Lic. Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, Gobernador del Estado de Oaxaca
Lic. José Luis Soberanes Fernández, Presidente de la CNDH
Actuaria. Eugenia del Carmen Diez Hidalgo, Unidad de Derechos Humanos SEGOB
Dip. Emilio Gamboa Patrón, Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Diputados
Sen. Santiago Creel Miranda, Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Senadores
Santiago Cantón, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CIDH
Louise Arbour, Alta Comisionado de la ONU
The Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights (LIMEDDH), Cerezo Committee, Teachers Human Rights Commission, (COMADH), Center for Human Rights and Assistance to Indigenous Peoples (CEDAPHI), Mexican Association of Human Rights Advisors (AMADH), Cerezo Committee, Committee for Human Rights in the Huastecas and the Sierra Oriental (CODHSSO), AFADEM, National Association of Democratic Lawyers (ANAD), National Center for Social Communication (CENCOS), with the backing of the undersigned organizations, at the mailing address Avenida Azcapotzalco No. 275, Colonia Clavería, Delegación Azcapotzalco, C.P. 02090, México D. F., with the telephone number: 53990592 and Fax: 55991336, enlace.limeddh@gmail.com, limeddh@prodigy.net.mx, request your immediate, urgent intervention in the face of the arrest / disappearance of three members of the PDPR.
The state committee of the People’s Revolutionary Democratic Party, PDPR, Military Command of the Zone of the People’s Revolutionary Army, EPR, made it known that:
"on May 25 of this year in the city of Oaxaca, between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m., in a fortuitous police action, three of our militants were arrested: Raymundo Rivera Bravo, age 55, Edmundo Reyes Amaya, age 50, and a third person whose personal data we do not have.
These comrades and militants are being brutally tortured in the Attorney General’s offices by the army, the AFI, and North American advisors to the army and the police.”
The Limeddh hereby manifests its concern for the physical and psychological well-being of the people arrested and requests their live presentation and, furthermore, issues a reminder that if they have committed any illegal act, they should be sanctioned according to the law.
In view of these facts, the Limeddh requests :
i. That all necessary measures be taken to assure the live presentation of Raymundo Rivera Bravo, Edmundo Reyes Amaya, and the other person who was with them.
ii. That the physical and psychological integrity and the legal safety of the three people arrested be guaranteed.
iii. That an official report detailing the actions taken by the authorities be issued.
iv. That the actions taken comply with the general provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international human rights pacts and conventions ratified by Mexico.
Respectfully yours on behalf of the aforementioned organizations,
A flame that burns for the rights of the peoples!
Adrián Ramírez López; President
Yésica Sánchez Maya; President of Limeddh. Oaxaca office.